The Economic Case for Investing in Water Quality Monitoring and Management Solutions
Introduction Water quality monitoring refers to the process of collecting water samples and analyzing them to check the presence of contaminants or precursors for pathogens, pesticides, chemicals, or Disinfection By-Products (DBPs). With water scarcity and pollution on the rise, water quality monitoring and real-time feedback has become crucial. The integration of digital water quality optimization…

pH: The Most Important Water Factor
Water is an essential natural resource without which our planet would be barren and lifeless. It’s not just humans but all forms of life depend on water to thrive and survive. Water plays an indispensable role in our daily lives, from quenching our thirst, cooking delicious meals, growing our food and producing goods. However, water…

Need for Real-Time, Water Quality Monitoring and Advanced Analytics
Water quality monitoring refers to the process of collecting water samples and analyzing them to check the presence of contaminants or precursors for pathogens, pesticides, chemicals, and Disinfection By-Products (DBPs). The importance of water quality cannot be overstated, especially in today’s world, where water resources are increasingly scarce and water pollution is on the rise….