The Economic Case for Investing in Water Quality Monitoring and Management Solutions
Water quality monitoring refers to the process of collecting water samples and analyzing them to check the presence of contaminants or precursors for pathogens, pesticides, chemicals, or Disinfection By-Products (DBPs). With water scarcity and pollution on the rise, water quality monitoring and real-time feedback has become crucial. The integration of digital water quality optimization systems has revolutionized water quality management, providing substantial economic benefits.
Real-time Digital Water Quality Monitoring for Greenhouses
- Solve and prevent microbiological risk
- Reduce and remove disinfection by-product problems
- Reduce chemical, water, and energy waste
- Optimize water health outcomes that lead to safer and greener communities.

SanEcoTec, specializes in Water Quality Optimization and has developed a Digital Water Health Platform, leveraging prescriptive and predictive analysis for actionable insights. This innovative WHI platform effectively mitigates microbiological risk and disinfection by-product challenges while reducing chemical, water, and energy waste. The Platform also serves as an insightful Digital Logbook for water operators, with immediate interpretation and feedback on the data.
Digital water sensors (hand tools or online) are also essential to provide accurate and precise data. One of those tools is SPI Online to help monitor, control, and optimize incoming/make-up/return water quality
Digital Water Quality Monitoring for Pools
- Optimization of water quality to reduce costs on chemicals, water, and energy.
- Prevention of health risks by reducing volatile DBPs
- Smart pool monitoring help in managing indoor air quality, reducing corrosiveness and infrastructure damage.

Using accurate and precise digital water testers, pool operators can significantly reduce operating costs.
Real-time Digital Water Quality Monitoring for Buildings and Municipalities
Municipalities and buildings, particularly hospitals, must ensure safety from harmful micro-organisms:
- Water quality monitoring for accurate measurements ensures patient and resident safety.
- Real-time monitoring systems allow proactive risk management and protection of critical infrastructure from corrosion.
With digital water monitoring systems, such as SPI Online and SPI On-The-Go, buildings, and municipalities can improve patient safety, prevent crises, and care for people and the planet.
SanEcoTec’s SPI Water Quality Sensors:
The SPI On-The-Go is a state-of-the-art portable, photometric water quality measurement system that uses colorimetric analysis to provide accurate and precise readings of free available, and total chlorine concentrations in the water, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, PAA.
Here is why SPI On-The-Go:
- It is Easy to use in the field.
- Its measurements are Accurate and Precise and Hence reliable.
- Its measurements are unaffected by External Factors.
- It has low maintenance requirements.

But SPI goes beyond just monitoring. It empowers you with process reporting and control from remote locations via network or secure internet connections. With SPI, you can achieve the desired water quality automatically, adapting to changing requirements.

Useful data from SPI can provide inputs for advanced analytics through digital analytical platforms such as the Water Health Index with digital prescriptive feedback.
SanEcoTec’s Water Quality Solutions
Our vision is to accelerate sustainable growth through healthy water practices, thus ensuring safer and greener communities. We connect stakeholders with an essential digital and knowledge-based platform transformation that mitigates risk and optimizes Water Health Outcomes.
Water quality is complex and water health is often missed completely or misunderstood. It is much more than cost, control, and compliance, incorporating human and environmental health and flourishing, and the reduction of water, chemical and energy waste. Stakeholders are dealing with ageing infrastructure, extreme weather events, resistant pathogens, and new contaminants, in the middle of day-to-day process challenges. Though data is often abundant, it can be inaccurate or not useful in providing reliable process insight and feedback needed for root cause analysis, mitigation, and prevention of re-occurring issues.
SanEcoTec’s digital Water Health Index Platform uses prescriptive and predictive analysis with progressive actionable insight that can help:
- solve and prevent microbiological risk,
- Reduce and remove disinfection by-product problems
- Reduce chemical, water, and energy waste
- Optimize water health outcomes that lead to safer and greener communities.